About Me

Hey, welcome!

I’m Adri, fitness enthusiast and fully-qualified PT. 😊

Quick summary of me: obsessed with movement & trying to pass it on to as many others as possible.

Why? ‘Cause we derive countless benefits from movement. I have been training myself and others for over a decade and have experienced (as well as witnessed) the extraordinary power of training in one’s life.

Training has allowed me to not only do other things I loved better, but also discover & appreciate myself and my abilities. However! The journey to that was full of mistakes & obstacles, which taught me the do’s and don’t’s of fitness.

With this knowledge, my mission now is to help others achieve that point of self-fulfilment in their training while avoiding the hardship that can delay their results (like it did for me).

If you have a fitness goal you’ve been dreaming of for a while, just know you don’t have to get there alone - contact me & let’s make it happen together.

Get in Touch

What are your goals?


JD Gyms Southampton Bitterne
West End Road
Bitterne Village
SO18 6TG
United Kingdom